The Dangers of Mommy Wine Culture

Mama needs some wine

“It’s Mommy’s turn to wine!” You’ve probably seen the memes on Facebook or the clichéd quotes on novelty glasses and sparkly t-shirts. Mommy wine culture is everywhere. Wine moms are fun, cool, and young at heart. They’re the antithesis of the supermom stereotype, demonstrating that it’s normal for parents not to be perfect. The message … Read More

3 Long Term Effects of Alcohol on the Brain and Body

Long Term Effects of Alcohol on the Brain and Body

The use of alcohol has become so normalized in American culture. Many people begin drinking as teenagers in high school, learn how to binge-drink at college parties, and go for after-work drinks with coworkers throughout adulthood. According to a 2017 study, nearly 27% of adults in the US had reported engaging in binge drinking in … Read More

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