12 Suggestions For Staying Sober Through The Holidays

The holidays can be a rough time of the year for anyone, and is especially when staying sober through the holidays may be a struggle for you or a loved one. Families have separated, the Fear of relapse brings worry and doubt. For the families of alcoholics and addicts, we worry, will my son or daughter survive this holiday season. The holidays are meant to remember great times and create new memories with our loved ones, for some we remember horror stories and hope not to experience a new one.

Our hope is to help elevate some of your worries and help leave some information and tips.

For The Alcoholic & Addict

Tips For Staying Sober Through The Holidays While Traveling

If you are traveling alone this year to visit or family or friends, create a game plan.

  • Stay busy at the airport
  • Bring books to read and music to listen to
  • Remain on the phone with your loved ones letting them know where you are, how you’re doing and that you’re on your way
  • Don’t sit quietly on the plane make friends
  • Spark up a conversation with whoever is sitting next to you, be completely honest about being in recovery who knows you may be able to help someone they know.
  • When at home be of service do the dishes see what you can bring to the situation instead of what you can take from it

The hard part for us is to vocalize that I’m sad, down in the dumps or crying the blues. To reach outside and ask for help and be honest is not something that comes easy. One thing to remember this holiday season is to reach out and be the difference maker in someone’s life don’t wait for them to reach out.  Reach out to your brothers and sisters and lift each other up, don’t ignore the quiet guy in the back row at the meeting, instead of going right for a cigarette stay inside and meet someone you don’t know.

Pride and shame are two things that will keep us locked up internally and out of the rooms where the solution is. It’s always a good time to come back! The mind will tell you that you can’t do it, or they will judge me, or what’s the point anyhow ill just wait until the holidays are over.

There is no time like the present reach out now; there is no reason anyone should be alone this holiday season.

Happy Holidays From the Any Length Family

For Help This Holiday Season Contact Us!

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Healing from substance use disorder isn’t linear, but it does always start with taking the first step. Our team of caring admissions specialists are here for you 24/7. Please, reach out, and let us guide you towards freedom and a new way of life.

Call or text (512) 960-1440 today to begin your journey to wholeness.