In April 2012, Any Length Recovery Residences opened its first men’s residence, fulfilling a need for affordable, safe housing for men in early recovery. We provide structure and accountability to our residents to help them maintain and strengthen their recovery. We offer individual and group recovery support services, as well as opportunities for fellowship with men in the home and in the recovery community at large. The men’s home activities include prayer and meditation each morning; a weekly men’s Big Book study; weekly house meetings; and, independent living skills, such as daily chores and time management. Through offering a supportive and nurturing sober living community, we are focused on assisting our residents to achieve long-term sobriety and become productive members of society.
Are you tired of having an empty life? Any Length we bring to the table a system that works at holding men accountable so that they do not have to continue to live in the past. Any Length, we provide a launching pad for individuals who could not live without drugs and/or alcohol. Our vision is to help our members recreate their lives and become productive members of society. By making 12 step work possible, Any Length is grounded on a structured system that teaches residents how to apply the principles of honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness into daily life. The end results in our culture provide residents with the vital tools to recover at an increased rate and to achieve a new way of life.
Our men’s sober living home is located in the Hyde Park community. The sober living house is conveniently located on the Capital Metro bus line, is close to a grocery store, near more than two gyms, has thousands of job opportunities within biking distance, and is less than 10 minutes from The University of Texas.