Any Length is not just a sober living environment, it is a Recovery Residence. We have a structured program that will unify men to work together towards a universal solution. We provide an environment for individuals, who like us, could not live with or without drugs or alcohol. We sit down each day with our residents and show them how to live a life of abundance. Any Length, we have created a culture that enhances each individual’s growth by offering a level of structure that supports living a sober and healthy life.
What is Sober Living? We believe that sober living should be a place where individuals who are getting out of treatment or recovery centers can come and live without the worry of people using drugs or alcohol around them. A sober living environment should provide a safe haven for recovering individuals as they transition back into society.
We also believe that one should not live in sober living indefinitely. Any Length suggests that individuals live at the High Accountability Sober Living home for a minimum of 6 months. We make this suggestion so that men early in recovery can build a solid foundation and network of support in their recovery efforts. After the initial 6 month period, we suggest that our men move into Graduate Housing. With the foundation and fellowship that they have established in the High Accountability Sober Living House, the residents should be able to carry this over to the Graduate House.
Any Length provides a safe and sober environment, a house manager who lives onsite, weekly drug and alcohol testing, fellowship within and outside of the house, and a weekly accountability house meeting.
Transparency, Support, Service Work, Community Spirit, Hope, Faith, Willingness, and Love are concepts that we bring into the culture at Any Length. Come and be a part of the recreation of your life, beginning at Any Length!