How to Get Your Loved One to Stop Doing Drugs

Unfortunately, if your loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they probably won’t wake up one day and decide to stop using. They’ll need the help of someone they care about (you!) to help them realize they have a problem and get them into treatment.

So, how can you get your loved one to stop doing drugs?

Stage an Intervention

If you need to help convince your loved one that he or she has a problem, an intervention is typically your best bet. During the intervention, you and other friends and family members of the addict have the opportunity to sit him or her down and explain to them that you’re worried about their health.

Plan your intervention before you go ahead with it. Decide who will be part of it and what you will say. Ensure you present the addict with consequences and give everyone the chance to share their feelings about what the addict is doing.

It’s wise to consult a professional during the planning stage. You can talk to a doctor, therapist, or social worker, or work with a trained interventionist. These professionals can also be present at the intervention.

Have a treatment plan ready to go and present it to your loved one during the intervention. Studies show that the sooner an addict gets into treatment, the better their chances of lifelong recovery are.

Your loved one may not be ready to enter treatment just yet. If that’s the case, be patient and continue to stick with the consequences.

Be Supportive

Supporting your loved one is different from enabling them. It’s important to set boundaries with your loved one, but you should also make sure they know you still care about them.

While still maintaining your boundaries, it’s possible and recommended to show compassion to your loved one as they work through their treatment program. Be there to listen if they need to vent, encourage them to stick with it when things get hard.

Take Care of Yourself

Addiction is a family disease. Even if you’re not the person with the addiction, it’s affecting you and causing you to suffer, anyway.

Take time to take care of yourself throughout the recovery process. Deepen your meditation or spiritual practice, set boundaries with your addicted loved one, and join a support group for families.

Taking care of yourself may not directly affect your loved one, but it could help. Many people find that making an effort to take care of themselves also has a positive effect on the addict in their journey to recovery.

A life of freedom is just one phone call away

Healing from substance use disorder isn’t linear, but it does always start with taking the first step. Our team of caring admissions specialists are here for you 24/7. Please, reach out, and let us guide you towards freedom and a new way of life.

Call or text (512) 960-1440 today to begin your journey to wholeness.