5 Signs Your Loved One Has A Drug Problem

What do you do when you begin to suspect that someone you love might have a drug problem? Don’t know the signs of your loved one has a drug problem?

First thing’s first: educate yourself on substance abuse and addiction. Learn the signs of drug abuse and what to do if you notice them in your loved one.

Here are some of the common signs of a drug problem to be on the lookout for:

Changes in Behavior

Has your loved one been sleeping well? Many addictive drugs make the user able to stay awake for days on end, or make it difficult for them to achieve restful sleep.

Has he or she suddenly changed their group of friends? Have they begun acting suspicious or secretive or suddenly started to isolate themselves? Maybe they’ve suddenly stopped caring about things that were once important to them, like friends, hobbies, or even their job.

These sudden behavior changes could point to a problem with substance abuse.

Change in Mood

A drug problem could cause many different changes in your loved one’s mood. Besides suddenly lacking enthusiasm for things they used to enjoy, you may notice that they’re much more moody and irritable.

Irritability often occurs during a comedown during a comedown, when the drug’s effects are beginning to wear off and the user begins feeling negative emotions.

Financial Problems

If your loved one is experiencing sudden, unexplained financial problems, this could be an indicator of drug use. A drug addiction can burn through someone’s savings faster than you might expect, costing close to $200,000 per year depending on the type of drug.

Of course, many people who aren’t using drugs also go through financial difficulties, so this on its own isn’t necessarily an indicator of a drug addiction. However, if you notice this along with some of the other warning signs on this list, it could point to a problem.

Physical Marks

If your loved one is using intravenous drugs such as heroin, you may begin to notice scars or other marks along their arms or legs. Bruising, skin infections, and collapsed veins are some physical marks to look out for.

Sudden and dramatic weight loss can also point to a drug problem.

Your loved one may begin wearing baggy clothes, long sleeves, and long pants to cover up the marks or weight changes.

Changes in the Face

Your loved one’s eyes can tell you a lot, they can also be signs your loved one has a drug problem. If he or she has been using drugs, you may notice dilated pupils and/or bloodshot eyes. Their eyes or the skin on their face may have turned yellowish, which could be a sign of liver issues. They could also seem to suddenly be aging faster.

Frequent bloody noses, sniffling, or sneezing could indicate that they’ve been snorting drugs, such as cocaine.

A life of freedom is just one phone call away

Healing from substance use disorder isn’t linear, but it does always start with taking the first step. Our team of caring admissions specialists are here for you 24/7. Please, reach out, and let us guide you towards freedom and a new way of life.

Call or text (512) 960-1440 today to begin your journey to wholeness.