Working in Recovery

Human beings are in a constant and continuous conversation inside their minds. This dialogue that exists in our thoughts can be the source of great turmoil. All people struggle with the existence of mental conflict throughout their lifetime. Life is about finding satisfaction with one’s self. Society often leads one to believe that material possessions are the ultimate representation of success. However, are these material possessions not a desperate attempt to satisfy something inside?

Contentment is what we are truly seeking. When we are hungry, we eat to become content. When we are thirsty, we drink to become content. When we have sex, it is to satisfy an instinctual desire that is causing discontentment. Those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction are the epitome of mental distress. Their very minds are poison and screaming for
immediate relief from suffering. These individuals are experiencing discontentment on a cosmic level. Desperation for satisfaction that will drive a person to engage in insane and irrational behaviors. The average person will overeat or spend too much money to get some gratification.
An addicted individual will participate in dangerous and illegal acts to satisfy an overwhelmingly powerful drive for gratification. Logic and reason are no longer in effect.

A person battling the disease of addiction often requires being physically removed from society due to the fact they can no longer operate in society’s parameters. No amount of money or physical pleasure can satisfy their insatiable appetite for gratification. This addiction has to be treated by those who are experienced in dealing with such afflictions. The recovered drug addict is the most qualified for such an endeavor. Those who have recovered know the very thoughts and feelings of the sufferer. More importantly, recovered individuals are armed with the effective
solution. Recovered addicts are the most useful and fruitful resource a suffering addict can utilize. Despite this fact, the recovered addict is still a human power.

The recovered addict in a spiritually fit condition remains in a state of neutrality to the obsession of chemical gratification. Even in a state of wellness, recovered individuals deal with life problems and make mistakes. It is a process of trial and error that sharpens one’s mettle. A recovered individual must stay in consistent discipline of maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. The recovered individual working in the recovery industry must compound those efforts exponentially. Addiction is a soul sucking and life taking illness. Working with and around still sick sufferers will leave a direct caregiver depleted in every aspect of the word.

It is dangerous and downright irresponsible for a person working in recovery to neglect their own personal wellbeing. Not everyone can do it, but someone has to, and no one can do it like those who have recovered. But it is important to be well, stay well, then get others well. Even in a
safety demonstration on a commercial jet they tell passengers to put on their oxygen mask before assisting others. If I am not receiving the Power, I cannot be a reflection of it.

A life of freedom is just one phone call away

Healing from substance use disorder isn’t linear, but it does always start with taking the first step. Our team of caring admissions specialists are here for you 24/7. Please, reach out, and let us guide you towards freedom and a new way of life.

Call or text (512) 960-1440 today to begin your journey to wholeness.