GHB is a psychoactive sedating substance that is commonly referred to as a “club drug” or “date rape” drug. Though used occasionally in its prescription form, Xyrem, to treat narcolepsy, GHB is most often used illegally, and is sought after for its euphoric and intoxicating effects, as well as the effects of sedation and amnesia. GHB is often used by young adults and teenagers seeking to amplify their intoxication at bars, parties and dance clubs, and is often mixed with alcohol.
GHB is odorless and colorless, and is often given to unsuspecting parties by individuals who wish to sexually assault them, and can be slipped into a drink very easily. The effects of GHB render victims unconsious, or otherwise unable to resist a sexual assault, and can also cause amnesia.
The effects of GHB render victims unconsious, or otherwise unable to resist a sexual assault, and can also cause amnesia.
Bought on the internet or on the street, GHB comes in liquid form or a white powdery substance for illegal use. As with many designer drugs, GHB can be manufactured in an illegal laboratory, and commonly has other adulterants which make it even more dangerous and toxic, and “the production of GHB usually involves the use of lye or drain cleaner mixed with GBL, a chemical cousin of GHB and an industrial solvent often used to strip floors.” (GHB or Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate).
GHB is very dangerous to use, and prolonged use can result in physical and psychological addiction, and harrowing withdrawals, categorized by the symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, tremors, and sweating. As with any drug that is addicting, dependence can render the user unable to cope with everyday problems without the use of the drug, making the acquisition of GHB of paramount importance to them, and they will begin to make sacrifices in order to maintain the supply of GHB.
Addiction to GHB can be daunting, and there may seem like there is no hope of recovery for one who is in the trenches of their dependence, but it is important to know that there is hope for recovery. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, which is the foundational text used by most who are seeking recovery, spells out a simple program of action which can lead to full recovery from addiction. Involving the help of a spiritual nature, the program of Alcoholics Anonymous promises a freedom from the dependance of any substance, given that those who are seeking a better way of life follow a few simple steps known as the 12 Steps. Honesty and open mindedness are the basic principles upon which a program of recovery is formed, and through being rid of selfishness and self-centeredness, you can find a sort of happiness and fulfilling life that you can’t even begin to imagine.
Honesty and open mindedness are the basic principles upon which a program of recovery is formed, and through being rid of selfishness and self-centeredness, you can find a sort of happiness and fulfilling life that you can’t even begin to imagine.
GHB, along with any other illegal drug, is prone to addiction, whether it be psychological, physical, or both, so it is very important to realize that addiction will only serve to make life worse and worse. If you are prone to addiction, stay away from GHB, and if you are in a state where you cannot function without the drug in your life, you may need to seek help. There is an answer, and a way out, if you just have the bravery to seek it.