I am the Mom of a Recovering Alcoholic.  Our lives Changed on February 8 2012. This is Our Story from Alcoholism to Recovery

I worried every time that phone rang, especially late at night.  Heading home from work I was expecting 3 of my kids to be heading to Houston, I always loved when they came to visit. It  had been several days since hearing from Ronnie, back then that was not uncommon but it was always concerning. As a Mother you always try and make everything better.  It was getting harder and harder to do that i did not feel there was any hope for Recovery from his current state of living.

I was seeing a decline in the way my son was living and the way he looked due to Addiction & Alcoholism.

My daughter had just talked to her brother Ronnie and he said that he had taken a spill on the basketball court, he had a headache and he would be going to HEB for some Advil and then would head her way, so they could get on the road to head home to Houston for the weekend.  None of that happened.

My daughter thought that her brother had sounded WEIRD on the phone so she called him right back . He did not answer. The HEB manager answered the phone and the Manager told my daughter that my son was having a seizure in the middle of the store and they were calling 911.

I had just walked through the door coming home from work when my phone rang and it was my son in law telling me the news.

I knew this day would come, but so prayed that things would eventually  get better.  They did not until this terrible accident that almost took my sons life happened. You see he wasn’t playing basketball like he said he had been. Ronnie had been partying all night long and had done a back flip off the wall on 6th street.  Ronnie was so wasted that he and his friends just took him back to his apartment basically do die.This is why I know God had bigger plans for him.

My son survived the Brain injury.  He laid in the hospital with a Swelling & Bleeding Brain.  They were going to have to do surgery. We had no idea of the outcome.

Prayer really does work. We called everyone and they began Prayers for my son.

I could go on and on of the many horrible things our family endured through these terrible years of Addiction & Alcoholism.

My son made it home from the hospital, he did not have to have surgery on his brain but he did have to go through different types of therapy. He came back to Houston to live with us so we could take care of him.  I began to see a change in him. I had a glimpse of Hope that maybe this could be the change.  This could maybe work.

No one agreed with me. He can’t go back to Austin and live on his own. He needs help. This is a disease.  You cant do this alone.  We prayed about all of these decisions. My husband , Ronnie’s step Dad went on line and we heard of places called Sober Living Homes. Ronnie said no way, my husband said that is the only way. I tended to agree with Ronnie, really a Sober Living house? My husband was adamant.

We were recommended a Sober Living home called Any Length.  We Contacted them and guided is into choosing the right sober living. The day had come, we were taking my son back to Austin to a Sober Living home called Any Length. THANK YOU GOD !

We walked in to the home that allowed 8 Men to live together in a home and begin Fellowship on a life Journey called Sobriety. Ron would stay at Any Lengths for 1 year, let me tell you this place changed his life. Robert White, the owner and founder met us and became a part of our family along with Hank Edwards. These men were on the same Journey as my son and became his brothers in Recovery and Mentors.

As the months went by I continued to see changes in my son. When I would go and visit every time there was a little bit more of a change in him. He became more confident, he was able to talk about his feelings, he was meditating. All of this was due to the constant attention and devotion from Any Length and their Leaders and the 12 Steps.

It will be 4 years onFebruary 8 that my son is Sober and Living a Life that has far exceeded my wants for him.  He is kind, he is a leader in the Community, He helps others on their path to Recovery and a life worth living.

Today he is in Recovery running his own landscaping Company called TRANSFORMED LANDSCAPING. Yes he has been transformed. I know for a fact that none of this would have happened if we would have never met The Any Length Recovery Team.

Like they say, they will go to Any Lengths for Recovery and to be healthy and happy. I Thank God everyday that we found AnyLength.   


Debbie Bare

A life of freedom is just one phone call away

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