Continuing Your Recovery During COVID-19

For most people over the last few weeks, everyday life has completely changed thanks to COVID-19. To slow the spread of this deadly virus, people are practicing social distancing: limiting contact with other people.

Many companies have their employees working from home while others have completely shut their doors for the next few months. Large gatherings are discouraged and many states have issued shelter in place orders.

Without a doubt, staying away from other people as much as possible is the most effective method for protecting communities against the COVID-19 virus and everyone should do their part and practice social distancing. However, there are some people whose mental health relies on their interaction with other people.

Addictions Recovery & Community

Community integration is a big part of recovering from an addiction. Those who are in recovery are encouraged to form relationships with others who are in the same or similar situations. This may mean participating in group therapy sessions or working with a sponsor or other mentor.

Working with the recovery community is beneficial because of the way it encourages participants to speak about their situation, using the support of other people to get to the root of each person’s own issues. Mentors, group therapy sessions, or 12-step groups provide those in recovery with another level of accountability.

So what happens when a person wants to be part of these groups but is unable to participate due to circumstances beyond their control?

Online Recovery Meetings

During this pandemic, many people are relying on technology to maintain a sense of normalcy. Employees are working remotely, schools are teaching classes online, and friends and families are hanging out virtually over video chat.

Thankfully, the addiction recovery community is benefitting from technology just like all these other groups. Many organizations have shifted meetings online so participants can stay physically healthy while working on healing from their addiction. Check out the list below for just a few of the options available to you.

Achieving recovery requires an ongoing commitment. Times may be tough right now, but your ability to persevere will only reinforce that commitment to you, making it stronger and helping you on your journey to lifelong recovery.

A life of freedom is just one phone call away

Healing from substance use disorder isn’t linear, but it does always start with taking the first step. Our team of caring admissions specialists are here for you 24/7. Please, reach out, and let us guide you towards freedom and a new way of life.

Call or text (512) 960-1440 today to begin your journey to wholeness.